This is a post 2 months overdue …
robotcowboy performed 3 times during the Ars Electronica Festival 2009:
Fri, Sep 4th: at the Brucknerhaus representing the Ars Futurelab during the v2: test_lab presentation
Sat, Sep 5th: at Roter Krebs
- 02__9-5-2009_16-34-16_StarBurst
- 06__9-5-2009_16-52-57_Dynamite
- 09__9-5-2009_17-1-52_BallOfLove
- go to the musicdump for entire live set
Mon, Sep 7th: Close Encounters of the Bit Kind on the Ars Electronica facade
I will clean this up and add details soon … a website redesign is needed anyway.
November 23rd, 2009 at 1:17 am
Dang, that’s cool- you rocked the house!