robotcowboy: cabled madness | news

fri, 9/29/06 henriksberg, gbg

robotcowboy played the autumn premier of Join Our Club! with Tillmanns. (thanks Johan)

Henriksberg Stigbergsliden 7 Göteborg
21.00 – 02.00


Technology fought me in every way, but I managed to pull through and make the solo show work! A freaky dance contest resulted in 3 winners receiving beer tickets. My diy drum pad made its first appearance and everyone had a smashing time.


henriksberg show pics and videos!


Here’s a video of us dancing and me banging my drum pad



sat, 8/26/06 kulturhuset underjorden, gbg

kulturhuset underjorden (site of many koloni shows)

That was interesting … quite an eclectic night with 10 bands representing numerous genres. Although scheduled for midnight, we did not enter the stage until 2:30am and promptly drove most of the audience away when osc’s oil-cooled chaotic oscillator was ignited.

Bruno was so stoked at our performance he decided to join the show. He began throwing objects at me and, when one of the sound guys got in his face, he said “I’m part of the show!” The sound guy, who was pretty pissed at first, didn’t know what to say and left incredulous. Bruno, who just wanted to screw around and have a good time, got a generous shaking of my booty right in his face and the beer kicked out of his hand. He and everyone present enjoyed the spectacle that accompanies robotcowboy. That’s how we roll.


show pics show pics!


showexcerpts (intro – amatuer night intro – dusty beds – boopa intro)


mon, 5/15/06 pustervik, gbg

robotcowboy (US)
Compute (Gbg)
Lava (Gbg)
DJ: Luke Eargoogle (Gbg)

Monday May 15th at Pusterviksbaren
koloni + Cosy Den



goto pics




koloni flier