robotcowboy: cabled madness

robotcowboy at STEIM

STEIMrobotcowboy was invited for a two week artistic residency at STEIM in Amsterdam. osc^~ and I arrived on Oct 1st and began work creating new things. We returned to Gothenburg on the 15th.

I experimented with different uses of the Nintendo Wiimote with my guitar, developed new Pure Data abstractions for creating song structures, and tried some music textures which can be heard at

The resulting Pure Data abstractions: rc-patches can be downloaded at

Oscar built some custom printed circuit boards for use with a STEIM cracklebox and worms which “play” on its surface. He also constructed a “holy feedback” circuit where two images, one of Jesus and the other of the Devil, which amplify each other to the point of sonorous noise.

My resulting project report can be found here: STEIM Project Blog.

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