robotcowboy: cabled madness

1/25 Jacksonville FL


EDIT: Disclaimer, Laromlab’s music is all stolen. Read here.

We played at Club TSI which is a great electro club/bar with pool tables and an outside lounge with 60’s rock and roll.

This was the first show where EVERYTHING worked … included visual control over the network. I ran the visual program on both my monitor and my laptop hooked to a projector all controlled from the wearable. Brandon picked up some cds sent by his record label and sold them all.

People weren’t sure what to make of me, but were into it. A girl told me later that I was “off the wall” and that the performance was “electronic music but the energy of rock” … good people are getting what I’m trying to do. I was asked several time about cds … but I havent gotten around to burning any yet, I should really do that one of these days. There is a stockpile of recordings from everyday now, I will put them on when I have more time – probably after the tour is over.

Beetlejuice was playing on loop for some reason and we got free hot dogs after the show, I had 3. Also, they listed me as being from Stockholm … not even Göteborg.

This was out best show so far, everything worked, lots of people, and good money.

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